The baby pink hydrangea, symbolising one’s aspiration of romance is an all-time favourite. This bouquet is also a popular gift for your friends who are meek and gentle like the pink hydrangea. Complemented by baby pink roses that symbolise tenderness and affection, the bouquet can extend your admiration in a subtle and delicate way.
Tip from the florist: This bouquet is the one that every girl loves, making it a perfect gift for your female friend. It is refreshing and rich in layers, with a thoughtful selection of pink blooms that are balanced by an abundance of greens.
Selected blooms and greens: Baby pink hydrangeas, baby pink roses
Baby pink hydrangeas, baby pink roses
- Please place your order at least 3 days prior to delivery.
- To ensure our fresh flower products are delivered in the best condition possible, we typically make them on the day of delivery.
- The floral materials illustrated in the pictures below may be substituted with the freshest and most compatible alternatives, depending on the supply and quality of the blooms and greens available.